Sunday, August 5, 2007

Skiing in August!

Hey everyone,

So this week is kinda boring, i didnt do too much til this weekend. It was our one month anniversary though so a couple of girls and i went out to dinner to celebrate! that was really nice, none of us could believe that we've been here for a month already, time went by so fast.

this past weekend I went skiing with everyone. Most of the people have never gone before, so all of my friends took lessons and stayed on the bunny hill the whole day. I went up to the top though with the 4 guys from loyola, because they have all skiied a lot before. it was so much fun but nothing like Colorado. the mountain was a lot smaller and they didnt have as many trails. one reason was because a whole lift was down and that was the only way to get to a lot of the trails, but still, we only were able to go down like 4/5 different trails, and it dodnt take that long to get all the way to the bottom of the mountain. The weather wasnt that good either. the temp. was perfect, my feet and hands never went numb, but the wind was terrible and it was snowing at the top so the visibility was so poor. i wanted to take pictures and could barely see my hand infront of my face. i still took a bunch though! after lunch we went back up and took a few girls that had just learned how to ski all the way up too. that was so funny bc they were not ready and kept falling all over the place. i felt like i was watching myself a few years ago, falling on purpose when i thought i was going too fast. anyway, the ski trip was so fun and even though it wasnt as big as i thought, i did have a lot of fun and am happy i can now say i went skiing in Aug, and in New Zealand!

Nothing else is going on, mom and everyone comes in less than 2 weeks!! i am so excited to see everyone and show them around. we dont know exactly what we are gonna do but we will stay in auckland for a few days so that will be cool, i can show them campus and all the places we walk around to. i am starting to have a lot of work and papers to write, but after 2/3 weeks, i should be done with all my work til mid sept. so that will be nice.

i talked to mom the other day and i might go to ireland after thanksgiving. A few of my frineds will be studying there til right before chrismas, and ive always wanted to go so i figured this would be the perfect time. i will be home for thanksgiving so illbe able to see everyone, and then i can go and stay with my friend deirdre so i dont have to pay for a hotel or anything, and my frineds can all be my tour guides! its not definate yet, i am ging to wait til deirdre gets in her room and settled to make sure she still doesnt mind having me, but if she is still okay, im gonna go! that should be so much fun, ive always wanted to go and it will be amazing to have friends there that know where to go and what to do.

i think thats it, i have some reading to catch up on, so im gonna go. i love and miss you all

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