Sunday, September 23, 2007

planting trees!

Not too much has been going on these past 2 weeks, just classes and hanging out. This week starts the 2 crazy weeks full of papers. I have 4 papers due within two weeks, and one of my good friend's 21st birthday is next week so I have to get an early start on everything. Her boyfriend is coming to visit as well and wants us all to take him to a bunch of places so I don't want to be worrying about writing papers! I doubt I'll get a lot done though...
One of the requirements for Loyola when abroad is that you do an immersion project while abroad. You can either interview a kiwi, or do community service. My friends and I all decided to do community service, planting trees! On Sunday we went to this island (I dont remember how to spell it) that is about a half hour ferry ride from Auckland, and met a group of people that are incharge of the whole restoration project on this island. No one lives there anymore, but it used to have a whole bunch of different things, like POW camps and a place for alcoholics to stay while they were sobering up and things like that. But, as of right now, there are hardly any trees or native birds or animals on the island bc it all got destroyed. So, for the last 10 years or so they have been going around planting trees and bushes and bringing back the native wildlife. Some lady told me that in Nov. of this year they are going to bring kiwi birds on the island too! She seemed very excited about it, and it seemed like a big deal since you can hardly find wild ones around anymore.
Anyway, we got to the island around 11 and planted little baby trees in this one section for about 3 hours, and then had lunch and were able to walk around the island for another hour before the ferry came back. It was a nice island, but it was raining some of the time so that wasnt too fun. It was a nice day though, I am glad we did it. Now I just have to write a 5-10 page paper on it! ew.

I think thats all that is going on here, I will write more when something exciting happens. Love and miss you all

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